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We aim to provide high quality treatment in a friendly environment.

About Us

Our premises has housed a dental practice for over 80 years and so is well established in the community. Dr. Murgai acquired the practice in January 2004 and has lived up to his aspirations and promise to create one of the most high tech and advanced practices in Hertfordshire. We continue to evolve! Most recently, we have converted our third dental treatment room into a therapy room that will be used to provide skin treatments and facial rejuvenation procedures.

Throughout the clinic we have up-to-date equipment that helps the staff provide all of our treatments in-house. Everything is maintained according to the manufacturers’ specifications so that every client benefits from our skill in a safe environment.

Dental Implant

A dental implant is essentially a substitute for a natural root and commonly it is screw shaped.

Same Day Crowns

At Skin & Smiles, our dentists use CEREC technology so you can be in and out in a single visit with a permanent, all ceramic crown, onlay, or veneer!

General Dentistry

Throughout the clinic we have up-to-date equipment that helps the staff provide all of our treatments in-house.

Teeth Whitening

At Skin & Smiles we tried several different teeth whitening systems before we decided to purchase Philips Zoom!

Facial Rejuvenation

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Here at Skin & Smiles we have been providing orthodontic services to both adults and children for 10 years.

Gulshan Murgai

BDS Dip Imp Dent RCS Ed.

Laura Moldovan

Registered Dental Nurse

Crina Nechifor

Trainee Assistant

our work inspires smiles

The Faces Behind Our Success

Patient Testimonials

what our Patients have to say

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